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OC Fairgrounds Get an Upgrade

Since its inception in the 1940s, the Owen County Fairgrounds has been an invaluable asset for our communities. “The Owen County Fair Association brings our community together like no other entity,” remarked Lillian Pursell, a member of the Fair Board. The fairgrounds is responsible for hosting various training and educational opportunities, workshops, flea markets, food, toy, and blood drives, community gatherings and ceremonies, and even serves as an emergency shelter for citizens and animals during harsh weather events. Countless groups, clubs, businesses, and civic organizations regularly utilize the fair buildings for meetings.

The Foundation reviewed several high-quality applications as part of this competitive grant process, ultimately awarding $30,000 to the Owen County Fair Association because the fairgrounds play such a vital role in bringing the community together. The funds supported the repaving of the grounds’ walkways, roadways, and entryways to barns, buildings, arenas, and restrooms. Before asphalt, pathways were gravel, limiting access to users and making traveling more difficult. Pursell noted that, “This project will expand and promote community connectivity to include and enhance the quality of life for the elderly and handicapped population.”

Paving was completed in June, just in time for the 2023 Owen County Fair. Many fair-goers found the new addition to be a welcome improvement that enhanced their overall experience.

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