The Owen County Community Foundation has worked in tandem with multiple non-profits dedicated to preserving Owen County's rich culture and history. Partnerships include, but are not limited to the following groups: Gosport History Museum, Owen County Heritage & Cultural Center, Vandalia Community Preservation Association, Owen County Art Guild, and Owen County Preservations, Inc.
Source: Vandalia Community Preservation Association
The Flona Everly Query Fund was established in 2008 for the purpose of preserving the historic Vandalia Historical Chapel and the Vandalia Schoolhouse. As a designated purpose fund, the Flona Everly Query Fund has paid out nearly $15,000 to protect these important structures. Such renovations, performed by the Vandalia Community Preservation Association include restoring the bell tower, replacing the front steps, and repainting.
The Owen County Community Foundation continues to support the great work of the Owen County Preservations, Inc. group who's most notable project was overseeing the restoration of the Historic Tivoli Theater to it's former grandeur. This project took several years to complete and was funded by the Cook Medical Group. The Tivoli Theater Endowment Fund issues an annual designated grant to ensure that important landmark continues to operate long into the future.
Historic Tivoli Theatre Before - Source: Business Wire
Historic Tivoli Theatre After - Source: Business Wire
The Owen County Heritage & Culture Center and the Gosport History Museum have received several grants over the years that have aided in museum expansion, remodeling, and support of operations.
Owen County Heritage & Culture Center - Source: OCHC Website