The Owen County Community Foundation helps make a difference in various communities by supporting human service organizations such as food pantries, aging-in-place programs, and other nonprofits.
Feeding Owen County
Owen County is proud to support many food pantries through funds set up at the Foundation. Each year, eligible food pantries may submit a grant request to the Freeman Charitable Food Fund. Representatives discuss their levels of demand and any special needs and then the group comes up with a distribution plan each year.
Since the fund was founded in 2006 with a gift of $434,115, Joe’s gift has provided over $200,000 to local food pantries and still has a balance of $508,548.
One pantry that has recently benefited from this fund is the Mark of Discipleship Food Pantry. During the pandemic, the food pantry wanted to continue their outreach despite its challenges. They established a drive-through facility where food could be distributed with minimal contact. OCCF helped fund an extension that would shield volunteers and individuals from weather elements. All of the improvements have been successful, as more food has been able to be stored, distributed quickly and efficiently, and to a larger population.
Area 10 Agency on Aging
More than $220,000 has been granted to Area 10 Agency on Aging for food pantry support (distributed by Area 10 Agency on Aging to OC food pantries), Rural Transit, and Sweet Owen Industries, an Owen County-based organization that cares for individuals with intellectual and developmental disorders.
Sweet Owen Industries packages A grant of $60k was provided for Rural Transit Ride Along
nutritionally balanced meals for the capital improvements of Sweet Owen
special needs of their clients Industries facility in Spencer
Owen County Habitat for Humanity
A grant of $50,000 was provided to the Owen County Habitat for Humanity to use in the construction of the organization's second house.